Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm So Glad Now!

Hello fellow bloggers, readers and lovers of life! It's been a while since my last post. Over the last few weeks life's pace picked up quite a bit. I went before a board and interviewed to be eligible for ordination (and passed!) I have been studying diligently. I've been concentrating on being a concerned, engaged and proud parent, and also serving two congregations. (WHEW!) Just writing it down makes me a little tired honestly.
Seriously, though, as I was drawn deeper and deeper into the demands placed on my time, heart and mind I started thinking about how glad I'll be when... I was saying to myself, "I'll be so glad when I'm through this" Have you ever done that? Well when I realized that I was thinking this way, I mentioned it in conversation with a friend who immediately replied, "You say that as if when you finish all of those'll have nothing else to take up space on your plate." We both had a great laugh about that.
The truth is that no matter how much we want to get through the current thing we're doing there will always be another thing to do. It's life. We'll be facing challenges, walking the walk and doing the footwork as long as we are alive. Understanding this truth helps us to breathe...and to take in the blessings that the current moment provides for us.
This isn't always easy to do, but when I tried it, slowing down and living in the moment I realized that I actually love my classes. I enjoy the conversation and the assignments that cause me to grow and to think critically about my faith. I love being a mom. It's fun to get to know my kids and to support them when and where they need it, even when it's challenging to do. I realized that it's really fulfilling for me to meet new people and work with the community. I'd hate to think what I'd do if I wasn't involved. Living in the moment isn't so bad. In fact it's wonderful.
Have you ever had a huge project/assignment due? Have you ever felt like an obligation you had in life was so huge that all you wanted was just to get through it? After reading this you can know two things:
1. You're not alone.
2. It's okay to breathe and enjoy or find meaning in even the most daunting challenges.

Prayer for the Journey:

I pray today that as you work through challenges, rise to meet obligations and walk through daily life that you will be reminded ...gently, to breathe and to be aware of the blessing that each moment of life offers.

1 comment:

  1. Wholeheartedly agreed - living in the moment isn't such a bad thing, at all. Even though we know Life provides its share of challenges on a daily basis, it seems, there is nothing wrong with savoring the moment itself.

    Congratulations on your hard work paying off.
