Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life is a Process

There are times when we just want what we want, when we want it. I don't know about any one else, but for me, those are usually times when I'm having a tantrum. I want what I want right now! Perhaps not the most flattering statement about myself, but true.
I'm not alone. We live in a "Now" society. One which promotes the idea of instant gratification at every turn. The best food recipes are those that are quick and easy. Weight loss can happen in two days and we can have better pecs, no wrinkles and super, white teeth in three! We can DVR our favorite shows with the added bonus of not having to sit through commercials. A good movie has no slow build up...and is action packed. If we break or tear something we immediately replace it...rather than taking the time to repair it.

Even so, something inside of me cringes at the thought of getting everything I want (and need) right now. Perhaps it's the underlying belief I have that, as my grandfather used to say, "Anything worth having is worth working/waiting for." Then too, it could be the small voice inside me that whispers, "It's not about getting what you's about wanting what you have."

There are plenty of things I want in life that perhaps someday down the line would be nice to have. Yet, the things that matter most, happiness, peace of mind, healthy relationships with family and friends, are the things that add quality to life. They also happen to take considerable time to cultivate. I'm working on daily taking the time to appreciate what I have and to work on building, repairing and creating the those things I want and value. I'm willing, just for today, to remember that life is a process...not an event.

Prayer for the Journey:

I pray that each of us will give ourselves permission to slow down. God, help us to listen to the still small voice inside of us which guides us to make choices that bring us happiness, healing and peace. Let us be willing to enjoy the process of life so that we can appreciate what's happening in the moment.


1 comment:

  1. You speak the truth and the thing is, for myself, I once lived a life where I pretty much received everything wanted when I wanted. And I will be the first to tell you that I hardly appreciated or placed any significant value upon many of those things.'

    So, now, like yourself, I prefer to build and take time to smell the coffee and receive in due time and I've learned to really really appreciate as much.

    Great post.
