Thursday, January 26, 2012


When I woke up today, I wasn't expecting much to happen out of the ordinary. I would wake up, begin my daily routine. I usually do these things in something like this order:
1. Spend time in devotion to God, writing in my journal and reading a bit of inspirational material.
2. Breakfast
3. E-mailing...followed by going into the office or working from home.
4. Getting some housework done.
5. Greeting and spending some time with the kids...

It all goes just about like this and usually without much fuss or excitement.

However, something different happened this morning. I woke up and began my morning routine, but received a phone call from a good friend and we began conversing about twitter. I decided that I'd finally check it out. Soon I'd signed up and realized how much I really like the idea of writing and having others be able to see my thoughts. I also liked being able to see what others are doing and thinking all around this great big ol' world we live in.
More than that, my desire to write - to really write...just for the pleasure of it, bubbled up. Before I knew it I was skip walking from appointment to appointment. I was creating meals and laughing and coming up with ideas. I was inspired all over again to write from my heart and to let the passion and the joy I feel about life spill onto the page.
So here I find myself picking up my old blog and committing to write about something several times a week since it happens to be one of the ways I know God uses me, and also one of the ways I discover new and profound things about the presence of God in my life and in the world around me.
Since I'm planning to post this blog on our church website, I'll just say now that I'll share not only my own musings about God, creation and life in the world as we may experience it, but I'll offer encouragement, resources and Prayers for the Journey.

Prayer for the Journey:

For today, I pray that you all the blessings, peace, joy and happiness that you can imagine ...and even more. I also pray that you will wake up one day soon to find that you have somehow stumbled into a place of passion and excitement about something that you've been holding in your heart.

In Grace and Love,


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